Our Company

Liliana Luoni de Behrends

Married, 2 daughters, BA in Sociology (Usal), she is a doctoral candidate in sociology (UCA).

She is the founder of Consulting Partners. She graduated in Sociology at Salvador University and specialized in Organizational Analysis. She has been certified by Sundance Group (William Bridges & Associates) on the topic of Change Leadership and Transitions. She has a wide experience in the design and transmission of management tools for human resources. She has assisted numerous companies in the definition of roles and structures, in implementing systems such as competence and performance management, developed training programs and trained in topics of the area. She has designed and administered surveys of compensation, of organizational climate, inside/outside customer satisfaction. She has designed the Experto software that allows online taking of surveys. She has been a pioneer in the country in introducing innovative selection techniques

Her main ideas

Creativity and perseverance applied to people management issues always yield positive results

College Graduate Subjects

Organization Strategic Planning and Management - Master in Business – Salvador University, Buenos Aires / University of Deusto - Bilbao - 1992 - continues Field Project - Master in Human Resources- Salvador University-1992-continues

Main areas of consulting