CP Staffing

Search, evaluation and selection of middle management and managers

The incorporation of talent is one of the key challenges in People and Organizations Management. The specific needs of each organization, the limited availability of people with certain profiles in the market, the cultural characteristics of different generations and social profiles frame the challenge.

Also, at times, performing searches by the same company may be limited by aspects such as the confidentiality of the operation or the lack of people with the expertise required to perform them.

Consulting Partners offers companies its services in the field from a specific and particularized approach in areas such as the organization's history, its culture, job description and background analysis, skills, talent and psychosocial characteristics of potential stakeholders to achieve alignment between the needs of the company and the expectations and conditions of potential applicants.

This service can be given integrally or in some of its segments (search, assessment and selection).

Consulting Partners also monitors late in the first quarter of the new employment relationship and at the end of the first year in order to assist in adjusting the individual to the new function.